1 Platform. Many Generative AI Apps

Create generative AI apps securely on-premise. Innovate with confidence, ensuring full data privacy and compliance.

Go beyond PDFs. Integrate and auto-sync with

    • Google Docs
    • Notion
    • Confluence
    • Website

Streamline Operations and Increase Employee Productivity

Simplify tedious tasks and enable your team to focus on strategic work with the following features:

Make apps public, password protected or invite only particular users to be able to access your chatbot.

Unleash Generative AI to Transform Repetitive Tasks

Turn institutional knowledge into a smart chatbot to automate repetitive processes and empower teams to focus on strategic initiatives.

Fine Grained User Management

Control who can access your chatbot.

Make apps public, password protected or invite only particular users to be able to access your chatbot.

Go Beyond PDFs

Integrate with your existing systems.

Current integrations include confluence google docs, web pages, notion pages and more!

100% Visibility

See usage based stats, chat ratings, and a full audit log.

Understand how your chatbot is being used, what users are asking, and how they are rating the responses.

Get real value from generative AI.

Sync your data automatically. Get answers to your questions in seconds. Make better decisions with generative AI.

Book A Demo

Preliminary feedback from our POC Customers

Here's what our POC customers have to say about their experience with our product.

    • I spent so much time answering basic benefits questions. The Withgen app we built is a game changer. It’s like having a whole team of HR people at my fingertips.

      POC Customer
      People Ops
    • Our whole team uses the product to answer security questionnaires. It’s a huge time saver and we can trust the answers are accurate.

      POC Customer
    • We're finishing RFPs in record time. We used to have to ask around to get the answers we needed. Now we just search the app.

      POC Customer
      Biz Ops

Use Cases

Here are some of the ways our customers are using the Withgen app to get meaningful productivity with AI

    • Enhance employee satisfaction and efficiency by building a chatbot to answer common benefits, payroll, and HR questions 24/7. Free up your people ops team to focus on strategic initiatives.

      People Ops
    • Streamline your RFP process with a chatbot that answers common questions, ensuring accurate and timely responses while saving valuable hours for your business operations team.

      Biz Ops
    • Elevate your customer support experience by deploying a chatbot that handles common inquiries such as order status, return policies, and product information. Improve response times and customer satisfaction effortlessly.

      Customer Support
    • Boost customer service efficiency with a chatbot that retrieves information from product manuals, FAQs, and support documents, providing accurate answers to customer inquiries round-the-clock.

      Customer Support
    • Automate the tedious task of responding to security questionnaires with a dedicated chatbot, freeing your security team to focus on more critical issues and enhancing overall productivity.

      Security Ops
    • Amplify your marketing efforts with a chatbot that generates engaging social media posts, saving hours of creative time and ensuring consistent, high-quality content for your audience.

      Marketing Ops
    • Optimize your IT help desk with a chatbot that assists employees in troubleshooting common IT issues like password resets, software installations, and network problems, reducing downtime and support workload.

      IT Ops
    • Empower your sales team with a chatbot that provides instant access to product catalogs, pricing sheets, and competitive analysis, enabling faster decision-making and improved sales performance.

      Sales Ops
    • Maintain regulatory compliance effortlessly with a chatbot that offers quick access to compliance guidelines for HIPAA, SOCII, and other standards, ensuring your organization remains audit-ready.

      Compliance Ops
    • Accelerate new employee onboarding with a chatbot that provides instant answers to common questions, helping new hires get up to speed quickly and efficiently.

      People Ops
    • Ensure legal compliance by developing a chatbot that offers accurate information on company policies, compliance requirements, and legal guidelines, reducing the burden on your legal team.

      Legal Ops
    • Enhance training and development programs with a chatbot that guides employees through training materials, provides access to learning resources, and tracks progress, fostering continuous employee growth.

      Training Ops

Frequently asked questions

Book a demo to get answers to these and other questions.

    • Does Withgen use chat gpt?

      We can, and we also support best in class open source models you can run wherever you'd like to. Our default on-prem installation uses llama3 either the 8B or 70B model.

    • What does Withgen do?

      Withgen is an on-premises chatbot platform that integrates with your organization's data to create custom chatbots capable of retrieving and generating answers based on your internal knowledge base. It facilitates efficient internal communication and automates routine queries.

    • What kind of data can Withgen handle?

      Withgen can handle a variety of data types, including documents, databases, and spreadsheets, to provide relevant information from your internal systems in response to user queries.

    • What applications do you integrate with?

      Any internet accessible web page, notion, google docs, pdfs, word doc, csv, json.

    • Do you run in the cloud or on-prem?

      We can run in the cloud or on-prem, depending on your needs. We have kubernetes, docker-compose and AWS installations available for quick deployments.

    • What is your pricing?

      Book a call and we'd be happy to discuss pricing with you.

    • Who is Withgen designed for?

      Withgen is designed for enterprises of all sizes that require a secure and customizable chatbot solution, particularly those needing to keep their data on-premises or within their cloud environment. It suits industries like finance, healthcare, and government that have strict data compliance requirements.

    • What are the common use cases for Withgen?

      Withgen is used for a variety of use cases, from HR to security questionnaires to product RFPs.

    • Can Withgen integrate with our existing systems?

      Yes, Withgen can be integrated with a variety of existing knowledge bases and systems, allowing seamless data retrieval and interaction. We are currently working on Confluence, Slack, Google Docs, a website crawler, Notion pages and more!

    • How does Withgen ensure data privacy and security?

      Withgen encrypts data both at rest and in transit. Its on-premises option ensures that sensitive information never leaves your organization's infrastructure, and user permissions are enforced to control access.